Our Mission

The mission of Right to Life Committee of New Mexico is to protect and defend the most fundamental right of humankind, the right to life of every innocent human being from the beginning of life to natural death.


America’s first document as a new nation, The Declaration of Independence, states that we are all “created equal” and endowed by our Creator “with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life…” Our Founding Fathers emphasized the preeminence of the right to “Life” by citing it first among the unalienable rights this nation was established to secure.


Right to Life Committee of New Mexico carries out its lifesaving mission by promoting respect for the worth and dignity of every individual human being: born or unborn, including unborn children from their beginning; those newly born; persons with disabilities; older people; and those who are vulnerable, especially those who cannot defend themselves. Our areas of concern include abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide and the killing of unborn children for their stem cells.


Our mission is achieved through education, legislation and political action. We provide educational materials, information and leadership training for effective right-to-life citizenship. We sponsor legislation advancing the protection of human life and support the election of public officials who defend life.

Our mission is to educate people on the value of life from conception to natural death.

All life is precious