If its not a human being, then why are you harvesting organs from it?

“If its not a human being, then why are you harvesting organs from it?”

Dr.  Ben Carson

I’ve said many times, if an anti-life activist has any intellectual integrity, they will admit that a child in the womb is a living human being.  How can it be anything else?

As Bill Maher has stated – “[Pro-lifers] think it’s murder, and it kind of is. I’m just okay with that. I am. I mean there’s 8 billion people in the world. I’m sorry. We won’t miss you. That’s my position on that.

I don’t agree with Bill Maher on almost anything, but at least he is being honest.  The so-called “pro-choice” people must make the argument that an unborn baby is not human, because that is the only way they can convince people that abortions can be justified.  They intentionally lie to make people believe that their babies are just clumps of cells.  People always try to dehumanize their foes, and this is very telling of the so-called pro-choice movement.   

Abortion is an industry.  It’s a business. Women are being used for profit and the other side stands by, completely silent. 

Abortion will go the way of slavery, it’s just as unjust, just as criminal, just as inhuman.  It is our job to speed up history. 


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