Arizona judge strikes ‘unborn human being’ from abortion ballot language

A ballot initiative to expand abortion in Arizona will not use the phrase “unborn human being” after a judge rejected the language put forth by Pro-Life lawmakers, deeming it too partisan and emotional. The case is now headed to the state Supreme Court.

How exactly is calling an unborn human being an unborn human being “too partisan and emotional”?

Any person with at least a shred of intellectual integrity will admit that a baby in a mother’s womb is a real living person. A person with separate, never repeated, distinctive DNA – Human DNA.  However, the partisanship is from the Anti-Life faction.  They will do almost anything to keep people from thinking about the real consequences of abortion.

Anti-Life activists will try to convince the public that babies are just “a clump of cells”.   They prefer terms like feus, which literally means offspring, bringing forth in Latin, but they are depending on the fact that you will not know that.  They need to convince people of these things because killing babies doesn’t sell well.   

We need your help- The Right to Life Committee is about to launch a comprehensive advertising campaign focused on educating New Mexicans on the current laws in our state regarding abortion.

But we Need Your Help – if each of our members donates as little as $25.00 a month, we can fully fund our ad campaign and make real change.


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New Mexico buys ads inviting doctors to relocate, citing Texas' abortion ban.