Radical Anti Life Governor chosen as Harris running mate

Minnesota governor signs broad abortion rights bill into law. Gov. Tim Walz enshrined the right to abortion into Minnesota statutes, signing a bill meant to ensure that the state’s existing protections remain in place no matter who sits on future courts.

“After last year’s landmark election across this country, we’re the first state to take legislative action to put these protections in place,” Walz said

Anti-Life leaders took advantage of their new control of both houses of the Legislature in Minnesota to rush the bill through in the first month of the 2023 legislative session. They credit the backlash against the U.S. Supreme Court decision last summer to reverse Roe v. Wade for their takeover of the state Senate and for keeping their House majority in a year when Republicans expected to make gains.

Abortion was already protected under a 1995 Minnesota Supreme Court decision known as Doe v. Gomez, which held that the state Constitution protects abortion rights. And a district court judge last summer declared unconstitutional several restrictions that previous Legislatures had put in place, including a 24-hour waiting period and a parental notification requirement for minors.

Opponents decried the bill as “extreme,” saying that it and other fast-tracked legislation will leave Minnesota with essentially no restrictions on abortion at any stage of pregnancy

This is the person Anti-Life Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris has decided to add to her ticket this November. Abortion and life in general are on the ballot this year.   We must not only elect prolife legislators in our state, but we must have a president that will stand for the sanctity of life. 

Help us stand against the Anti-Life Agenda

We need your help - The Right to Life Committee of New Mexico is dedicated to help elect Pro-Life legislators in our state.  

Our educational advertising campaign will highlight the horrific laws in New Mexico and help educate the public about what is actually happening in our state in regards to abortion.

If each of our members donates as little as $25.00 a month, we will be able to full fund our advertising campaign and enact real change in our state.  


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