Babies are NOT a Commodity

In 2008 my mother received a lifesaving kidney/pancreas transplant. 

Since my mother was a young child, she has suffered with diabetes.  I remember when I was around 5 years old my mother went into a diabetic coma.  She was rushed to the hospital.  Sitting on the floor of the emergency room staring up at my mother on a gurney, my sister and I witnessed our mother die.  Fortunately, the doctors were able to revive her, and she is still alive to this day. But at that moment I realized what diabetes can really do.  

Throughout my childhood I would pray that God would heal my mother of the diabetes, even if it meant He had to give it to me.  I waited for an answer, I waited many, many years. 

As you all know diabetes can be a very difficult disease, attacking your organs, causing gangrene and even causing people to have to have limbs amputated. Since the diabetic coma, when I was 5 years old, my mother lived with diabetes throughout my childhood without much drama.  Yes, she took insulin shots daily. Yes, she had to monitor her blood sugar.  But in the grand scheme of things, she was living with it quite well.   

 I was 24 years old when my mother informed me that she would need a kidney transplant.  The diabetes had finally made its move. 

Again, I prayed.  I prayed that God would heal my mother. I prayed that she would receive the organ she so desperately needed.  I would have done anything to ensure my mom’s survival. 

As time went on things were getting worse and worse.  Her doctors informed her that she would soon need dialysis. 

I prayed some more.

There were many things I could do for my mother.  I could pray for her, I could visit with her, I could comfort her.  But there was one thing and one thing only that would save her life, and I could not give it to her. 

If you are in need of an organ transplant, you cannot purchase an organ from someone else, even if they are willing to sell it.  This is not an endorsement of organ buying and selling.  This is just the reality that we live in.  I personally don’t believe people should be able to buy and sell body parts. But in those moments when my mother was in desperate need, the thought crossed my mind.

Finally, in 2008 my mom received the life saving transplants she so desperately needed.  I am thrilled to inform you that after she received a kidney/pancreas transplant, twenty years after I started my daily prayers for God to heal my mother of diabetes, my prayers were finally answered.

Now, if your still with me, you may be asking yourself - What does this have to do with Right to Life New Mexico?

Well, let me tell you.

 There is a very good reason to forbid the buying and selling of human body parts.  There are enough unscrupulous evil doctors in the world who would gladly kill a patient in order to harvest and profit off selling those parts.  We know this happens today, but we should not incentivize this immoral behavior by creating a grand market by making human body parts a valuable commodity.


Yet in America today, Planned Parenthood is doing just that, only worse.  Today evil doctors are charging a woman (through Medicaid they are charging YOU the taxpayer) to conduct the abortion.  Then they are turning the now lifeless baby into a commodity to sell.  Thus, the doctor is enriching himself significantly through this double profit-over-people scheme.


While I would have purchased a kidney for my mom, I would not have aborted my daughter to get that kidney.  The desire to help does not justify damage to humanity.

I believe in the free market.  I am not in favor of burdensome overregulation.  But I also believe in right and wrong.  The abortion business is wrong, plain and simple.  We must work together to change hearts and minds and make abortion a thing of the past.


20,950 Abortions performed in New Mexico in 2023


National Right to Life Seeks Answers Concerning Army Training Labeling It a Terrorist Group