20,950 Abortions performed in New Mexico in 2023

The number of abortions performed in New Mexico has increased by more than 400% since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022. That’s according to a study that says interstate travel across the country continues to grow for the procedure.

New Mexico has seen one of the most dramatic increases in abortion in the country because of demand from out-of-state patients. The total number of abortions performed in New Mexico in 2023 were 20,950 (71% out of state) = 14,875 abortions were from out of state women. Monthly Abortion Provision Study | Guttmacher Institute

New Mexico Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham has bragged about this, coining the term “abortion tourism”.  Three quarters of abortion patients in New Mexico in the first half of this year came from outside the state.

In New Mexico we have some of the most lenient laws regarding abortion in the world.  We are right up there with China and North Korea as far as the killing of innocent child is concerned.

Because of our laws, the governor is inviting anti-life doctors to our state.  “It must be distressing that a draconian abortion ban has restricted your right to practice and turned it into a political weapon,” Lujan Grisham said.  “I certainly respect those of you who remain committed to caring for patients in Texas, but I also invite those of you who can no longer tolerate these restrictions to consider practicing next door in New Mexico,” she added. “We’re fiercely committed to protecting medical freedoms here and we’re taking steps to ensure that what happened in Texas never happens in New Mexico.”

Our radical anti-life governor has spent $400,000.00 of your taxpayer dollars to recruit abortion doctors into our state. 

When it comes to abortion, we are headed in the wrong direction.  The direction of despair, of sorrow, of unspeakable loss.

In New Mexico alone, abortions have increased by more than 400% . Prior to Roe v Wade being overturned, NM had about 4800+/- abortions per year. In 2023 that number jumped to 20,950.  The state is on track to exceed that number for 2024.

20,950 innocent little lives ended

20,950 dreams crushed

20,950 hopes obliterated

This is not to mention the thousands of mothers who have been left to grieve children lost to abortion. So much pain and suffering. It truly boggles the mind that our governor is actually celebrating this dramatic loss of life. Pray for our state government, may they see the light and change course this coming legislative session. May they abandon the policies which fail to recognize the humanity of the most vulnerable.


I think about this, and it brings tears to my eyes


Babies are NOT a Commodity