I think about this, and it brings tears to my eyes

20,950 – 20,950 babies lost to abortion in New Mexico last year.  This number has been on my mind all weekend.  20,950 people that will never read a novel. 20,950 people that will never see a sunset or a sunrise.  20,950 people that will never fall in love, have their hearts broken and learn to love again.   

How have we come to this point?  How have we fallen so far?  How have we come to the conclusion that human life is not worth saving, worth fighting for, worth protecting at all costs?

I think about this, and it brings tears to my eyes.

Prior to Roe v Wade being overturned New Mexico had on average 4,800 abortions each year.  That is still a tragedy.  That is still nearly 5,000 unnecessary deaths. When Roe v Wade was overturned, that was our chance to protect the innocent lives in our state.  But here in New Mexico, we moved in the wrong direction. 

Not only has New Mexico eliminated any protections for the unborn, we have actively been recruiting abortion doctors to come to our state to snuff out more life. 

We need to pray for the mothers who have lost children to abortion, most of whom do not realize what they have done.  And when they do come to the realization of what has really happened, that is when their hearts break. 

We need to pray for the babies lost to this horrific act. 

We need to pray that our state can heal.


Planned Parenthood offers free abortions in truck outside DNC


20,950 Abortions performed in New Mexico in 2023