Being Pro-Life is NOT Radical

When did abortion become a point of pride? When did abortion become something to be celebrated?

In New Mexico our governor has promoted abortion up to the moment of birth.  She has talked about abortion tourism, saying that abortion can be an economic driver in our state.   She has recruited abortion doctors to come to our state, mostly from Texas where there are many more limitations on abortion. She has one of the most radical views on abortion of all the governors in the country.  

But why is this?   Abortion has become a wildly political point.  No longer is the issue being treaded around lightly.  Now the “Pro-Choice” side celebrates, praises and encourages abortions.   This has become THE ISSUE for them.   

Plenty of New Mexicans consider themselves “Pro-Choice”, however, they are not as radical as our state laws would make us believe.  

Most New Mexicans do not support late term abortion.  

Most New Mexicans support some limitations and regulations.

Most New Mexicans are not radically pro-abortion.


New Mexico has the most radical laws regarding abortion in the nation.  

There is no requirement that an abortionist be a licensed New Mexico physician.

There are NO health and safety standards for an abortion clinic in New Mexico, putting women at risk.

A child as young as 13 years old can get an abortion without her parent’s consent, or even being informed.

Did you know that New Mexico is the late term abortion capitol of the nation?

New Mexico has seen an increase in abortions of more than 400% since the overturing of Roe v Wade.  Last year alone there were 20,950 babies lost to abortion in New Mexico.

The people of New Mexico are not radicals. Most of them simply do not know the truth about what’s really going on.  The Pro-Life people are not radicals.   We purely believe that all life is precious and deserving of protection.   Our legislature and our governor are the radicals.  They are the ones with the extreme views. They are the ones who deny the truth.  They are the ones who lie to women.  And unfortunately, they are the ones setting the policies

This is why it is so important to elect Pro-Life Legislators in our state.  


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