Oprah Winfrey and the DNC’s American Nightmare

On the 3rd night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention, Oprah Winfrey spoke to the crowd in Chicago.   In her naturally charismatic tone, she garnered cheers and applause.  However, there was something that she said that really concerned me. 

“…because if you do not have autonomy over this (pointing to her own body), if you cannot control when and how you choose to bring your children into this world and how they are raised and supported, there is no American dream.” (Oprah Winfrey, DNC 8/21/24)

Oprah Winfrey, DNC 8/21/24

Oprah’s comments on abortion both surprised and shocked me.  There is no American Dream, if women are not free to kill their babies?  This was the gist of her comments.  It made me think of the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence –

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. (Declaration of Independence)

We all have a have a right to liberty, to the pursuit of happiness and most importantly the right to life. 

I understand that the so called “Pro-Choice” side tries to convince women that the child in their womb is not a living human being, but a clump of cells. I have heard arguments about sentience, consciousness, viability and much more.  The mental gymnastics the “pro-Choice” side must do to rationalize their positions is baffling. 

We all know that a baby in the womb is alive.  We all know it is a human, what else could it be? Even the intellectually honest “pro-choicers” admit this.   However, they do not care. 

20,950 babies were lost to abortion in New Mexico in 2023 alone.  Is this the American dream or an American nightmare?

We have to wonder why abortion seems to be the only choice.


Being Pro-Life is NOT Radical


Women are being hurt by abortion.