Women are being hurt by abortion.  

As a pro-lifer I often get accused of only caring about the baby and having no concern for the mother.  This couldn’t be further from the truth.  

As a pro-life person our concern is for all human life.  The baby, the mother, the elderly, all life is precious.

“Pro-Choice” doctors will convince mothers that the abortion pill is safe “Medication abortion is very safe. In fact, it’s safer than many other medicines like penicillin, Tylenol, and Viagra. Serious problems are rare, but like all medicines, there can be risks.” (plannedparenthood.org/)  

However, there are many side effects.  Including death of the mother.  Not to mention the death of the child.

I have personally known women who have taken Mifepristone and Misoprostol (the abortion pill) and have had to go to the emergency room for uncontrollable bleeding.  Luckily these women have survived, but not of them do.   

So just imagine for a moment.  A young girl goes into an abortion clinic.  She is not examined by a doctor, because in New Mexico there is no requirement for a doctor to perform the abortion.  The young lady is giving her first dose of Mifepristone at the unregulated clinic (again there are no health and safety standards for these clinics in New Mexico).  She is told to go home and take the second dose, this time it is Misoprostol, up to 48 hours later. Within 1 to 4 hours of her second dose of this medication she will experience sever cramping and bleeding.  She will then start to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) The child she is bearing is being evacuated from her womb. This will take at least 4-5 hours.  This young lady is alone, scared and hurt.  She was not told what was really happening in her body.  She was simply told this will end her pregnancy.   

If the abortion is successful, the baby will have been delivered dead. And the young lady will then need to return to the unregulated clinic for an ultrasound to ensure there is not fetal tissue remaining.

However, in some cases this medication will cause uncontrollable bleeding, leading to hospitalization or even death.

This is a horror that most women regret when they finally learn the truth

Women truly are being hurt by abortion, both physical and emotionally.  The women who have abortions aren’t bad people.  They have been lied to, they have been manipulated, they have been abused.  We need to pray for these women.  They will need support when they finally realize what has truly happened.  

We need to educate the people of New Mexico about the horrific laws we have in our state regarding abortion.  That is why the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico is about to start our educational ad campaign.  


Oprah Winfrey and the DNC’s American Nightmare


What Happened to Safe, Legal and Rare?