What Happened to Safe, Legal and Rare?

In 2023 there were 20,950 babies lost to abortion in New Mexico alone.  We are on track this year to increase that number to at least 25,800.   

According to The Guttmacher Institute (The Guttmacher Institute is a leading research and policy organization committed to advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) worldwide.) there have been 6,450 abortions in New Mexico in the first quarter of 2024.  Extrapolate that out and we are looking at 25,800 babies lost to abortion by the end of 2024.

When I was younger, I remember President Bill Clinton talking about abortion, saying “Abortion should not only be safe and legal, it should be rare.”  This was the common theme of the so called “Pro-Choice” movement in the 90’s.  

Now here we are in 2024 and not only are abortions not rare they are not safe.  Abortion almost always kills the baby, but sometimes it kills the mother.  Women are being lied to about the physical and emotional effects of abortion. Women are being hurt, and the “Pro-Choice” side is covering it up.  

We are moving in the wrong direction as a state.  Most people do not know how gruesome the laws we have in New Mexico regarding abortion are.   That is why the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico is about to start our digital ad campaign.  We want to highlight these terrible laws, in hope to change hearts and mind.  

These are a few of the digital ads we will be running in the days and weeks to come.  We also have video ads that will be running on YouTube, Hulu and other streaming services.  

We are still short on the funding for the distribution of these ads.  Please consider donating to help us spread our message and change hearts and minds.  


Women are being hurt by abortion.  


Do we have a Pro-Life option in the New Mexico US Senate race?