Do we have a Pro-Life option in the New Mexico US Senate race?

This is a question I get asked all the time.  

Martin Heinrich (D) is running for reelection for one of New Mexico’s US Senate seats, an office he has served in since 2013.    

Nella Domenici (R) is also seeking the US Senate seat.  She is the daughter of longtime New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici.  

So the real question is, are either of them Pro-Life?  The short answer is, NO.

Neither of these candidates has received the endorsement of the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. That being said, I have attached the statements regarding abortion from both of their campaign websites.  I hope you will take a minute to read through these.  

As a long time New Mexico resident and a lifelong member of Right to Life, I am disappointed that we do not have a Pro-Life option in this race.  

New Mexico has some of the most horrific laws in the country regarding abortion. For instance, there are no requirements in the state that abortions be performed in a healthcare facility.  There are no requirements that abortions in our state be performed by a New Mexico licensed Physician. Abortions are allowed up to and even after the moment of birth.  

In 2023, in New Mexico alone there were more then 20,000 abortions.  That is up from our average of around 4,800 per years prior to the reversal of Roe v Wade.  We are moving in the wrong direction, and both these candidates support the current laws in our state.  I pray that both of them simply have not taken the time to research the current laws in our state.   I hope their opinions come from a place of ignorance and not of evil.  


  • Supported pro-choice candidates to overturn state abortion ban. Martin recruited and helped elect pro-choice Democrats to the New Mexico Legislature, helping to overturn the state law that made abortions a crime. 

  • Fought to protect freedoms and codify the right to an abortion nationwide. Martin has been a staunch supporter of legislative efforts to enshrine the right to an abortion into federal law, ensuring that this fundamental right is protected against Republican-led efforts to undermine it.

Supported efforts to protect the right to access in vitro fertilization (IVF). Understanding that reproductive rights extend beyond abortion, Martin has cosponsored legislation to safeguard access to in vitro fertilization (IVF). With national Republicans attacking this 

  • essential fertility treatment, Martin is committed to ensuring that families have the right to pursue IVF without interference.

Worked to protect the right to contraception. In response to increasing Republican threats to contraceptive access, including calls by Justice Thomas to reconsider existing protections, Martin has cosponsored legislation aimed at securing the right to contraception. By doing so, he is fighting to preserve critical aspects of reproductive health care that millions of Americans rely on.

A compassionate approach to reducing abortion and increasing access to birth control

Nella believes abortion should be safe, legal, and most importantly rare. She opposes any federal abortion ban. As a state, New Mexico has decided this issue. She will abide by the state’s decision. Like most Americans, Nella wants to see fewer abortions, not more. The best way to reduce abortions is to reduce unintended pregnancies through better usage of birth control and education. Nella approaches the issue with compassion.

All women should be trusted, respected, and supported. Babies should be wanted and loved. And men should live up to their responsibilities. New Mexicans expect us to approach important issues like this with a deep understanding and empathy.

While Nella is focused on supporting women and preventing unwanted pregnancies to reduce abortions meaningfully, Martin Heinrich has consistently voted to allow abortions up to the moment of birth at taxpayer expense - even opposing legislation requiring life-saving care to be provided to a baby who survives an abortion. His views are extreme on this issue. Nella believes we must cherish life and knows women’s decisions must be respected. Heinrich wants to use this extremely personal and critical women’s issue to divide our country and exploit it for votes.

So where do we go from here?

We need to focus on electing Pro-Life leaders at the state level.  Since Roe v Wade was overturned, abortion is now a states issue.  

The Right to Life Committee of New Mexico has developed an educational media campaign focusing on the horrific laws in New Mexico regarding abortion.  We have invested heavily in the creation of these ads, but we are still short funding for the distribution of these ads. 

Please consider donating to the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico.  If all of our members donate as little as $25.00 a month we can fully fund our ad campaign.  

In the end we all know that LIFE WINS, its our job to speed up history!


What Happened to Safe, Legal and Rare?


Planned Parenthood offers free abortions in truck outside DNC