I’m appalled by the fact that out of all 50 states, none are free from abortion.

Historically pro-life states are not reliably pro-life anymore since public leaders are caving on the issue of abortion and women are traveling out of state or ordering the abortion pill. 

Laws are being passed to require abortions in the name of protecting the life and health of mothers—even though abortion is ALMOST NEVER medically necessary.

And women are not being told the risks and devastating aftermath of any of the abortion procedures. 

It’s now more evident than ever: efforts to change minds and save lives must happen from the ground up. We cannot afford to sit on the sidelines and wait for leaders to do their duty of protecting innocent lives.

Public policy alone is not enough to change our culture. That’s why right now is a critical time to urgently spread the truth that saves lives. Our nation’s leaders and our local leaders are not doing their jobs to protect all lives under their care. 


This is the Evil we are up against


This is shockingly abhorrent. The Biden Administration told the military YOU are a terrorist.