This is shockingly abhorrent. The Biden Administration told the military YOU are a terrorist.

A training program at a major military installation was just exposed calling pro-life Americans terrorists. In fact, on its "Terrorist Groups" slide – just after ISIS – it lists the National Right to Life (which organizes the March for Life each year), Operation Rescue, pro-life sidewalk counselors and even anyone who has a "Choose Life" license plate.

It's outrageous, but it's what we've been warning was coming. The Biden Administration and the radical Left are weaponizing the government to target, prosecute, and demonize pro-life Americans. If we're silenced, then the abortion industry can continue aborting unborn children.

Please help us stand against the Anti-Life agenda.  

We need your help- The Right to Life Committee is about to launch a comprehensive advertising campaign focused on educating New Mexicans on the current laws in our state regarding abortion. 

Did you know there are more health and safety standard for restaurants in New Mexico then there are for abortion clinics? 

Most New Mexicans are unaware of these horrific truths.  We are dedicated to making a real impact in the state this coming legislative session.  


I’m appalled by the fact that out of all 50 states, none are free from abortion.